Which way!

Which way!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The people have spoken; Cut Spending.

The people have spoken; Cut Spending. The question is; Where? I will get to that area later. First-lets get off the tax talk as all the new taxes that will allow these corrupted fools spend more of our money. It does not help us and it allows them to raise the debt.
The national budget needs to be approved but only using the last approved budgeted year’s amount. This is one way that allows less spending in the new year, less government growth, and government will have to pick the winners in their own systems. It will control their spending even as the cost of pensions increase each year. Over-all government spending will decrease.

Now the fat spending this congress needs to deal with; You want spending cuts. Here are a few places to start.

1. End All House and Senate Corrupted Earmarks. This will move these spending amounts in a line item with-in the agency. If not, fine—less spending.

2. HUD Budget. Cut back to 2000 levels. Reduce Grants Amounts by 50% of 2007 amounts. The corrupted grants can be stopped with-out causing any problems.

3. ENERGY Budget. Cut back to 2000 levels. Remove Cabinet level and made it part of HLS because of nuclear storage. 90% of this agency is for nuclear storage.

4. EDUCATION DEPT. Disband the total dept and replace it with annual limited state direct funding under state control. Remove all reporting to D.C.

5. Have Congress stop all funding on all presidents type declared wars. Congress is the only one that can declare a war. We have not had a declared war since WWII.

6. Freeze All Government Hiring for ten years and cut all back by 20% on all existing payroll costs.

7. Reduce all departments’ staff personal by 30%.

8. Cap all staff personal payrolls in the House and Senate to 2007 levels. Reduce committees staffing by 30% from 2007 levels.

Social Security and Medicare are a paid in entitlement and will fail in our lifetime.

9. Stop all removal of Social Security trust funds “loaned” to the Federal budget. It has been used as Federal income since 1966 by both parties and is now at 27% of our national total income budget. Use a mean test for benefits. Stop colleting all payments from anybody that is 45 years old today and not pay any benefits when they retire. This is how you “save” Social Security. This will also allow cutting the federal budget spending due to the “loans” or it will raise general income taxes on all taxpayers. Pick one.

10. Use social security number to track unlawful employers. Collect the existing $10,000 fine per unlawful hired person and pay it into the social security trust fund.

11. Medicare needs to go like a Visa on-line for all. Reduce the wallpaper hanging Medicare staff personal by 40%. Use a Visa like system with control limits for benefits. Use a mean test for benefits.

12. The Drug Benefit Program needs to be a paid as you go benefit. Increase monthly support fee by 20% and create a limit on what can charged by using competition by opening the border for the needed drugs. The national drug stores companies are part of the increased cost problem. Take the 200% profit out of their system. Look at wall-mart low drug pricing—it shows just how much over-charged there is in the national drug store systems.

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